關節釋放 Joint Release

課程簡介: 關節釋放 I,II,III
Introduction:Joint Release Workshop I,II,III




這不是激烈、費力、奮鬥的密集學習課程;而是輕柔、放鬆、自然的治療方式。這是允許達到「愛」與「靜心」同步飛翔的藝術。 Q&A

◎關節釋放 I (主題一:溫和的接觸) 影音播放

四:關節釋放I 與頭薦骨平衡

◎關節釋放 II (主題二:內在的律動) 影音播放

四:關節釋放II 與頭薦骨平衡的整合

◎關節釋放 III (主題三:遊戲的心情) 影音播放

四:關節釋放III 與薦骨平衡+頭骨平衡的整合

Osho Joint Release

Osho Joint Release is an evolution of the 'Trager Approach' with 25 years experience in Rebalancing trainings, where bodywork-therapists, coming from different fields have been meeting and sharing their ways of working on the joints.

In a Joint Release session you learn much about yourself. Through the use of gentle rolling, rhythmical movements upon most joints in your body, a space of deep opening is being created, exactly the same way in which a baby relaxes and stops crying when it is gently rocked. These movements encourage the client to let go in a safe way. Relaxation and healing happens on many levels, the old patterns fading as the new imprints takes over.

From that space you realize how your body is and its potential. You rediscover the pleasure feeling free and light, to let go of control, and to feel more integrated and connected with the energy around you that supports you. Joint release reminds the body, and being, of what it feels like to be relaxed and at ease. During a session the client experiences sensations of comfort and pleasure. This feeds into the central nervous system and creates a new imprint of being yourself and at home in this world.

It is widely accepted that the body is impacted by trauma as far back as birth, as well as by negative feelings / attitudes accumulated through life. With Joint-Release, in which practitioners use non-intrusive rolling / rocking movements of most joints, it is easy to channel the energy of such feelings to archieve positive outcomes. This is possible only when we learn, more than anything else, the ability to "be there" with the client, to be in our heart, in meditation, and intimately responsive to responses.


Copyright (C) Prem Ameen All Rights Reseved.
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關節釋放 Joint Release
普連阿敏 Prem Ameen,奧修門徒,完成「印度草藥按摩訓練 Ayurvedic YOGA Massage Training」、「奧修能量平衡按摩訓練 OSHO Rebalancing Massage Training」、「奧修關節釋放 OSHO Joint Release」、「奧修靜心帶領訓練 Training OSHO Meditation Facilitator」...等課程。 更多介紹